The pinnacle of our events celebrating our birthday. Join us for a free weekend of music making.
The Wollongong Conservatorium of Music is turning 50 this year and is celebrating with a free two-day Music Festival on Saturday and Sunday the 10-11th September.
The festival will be hosted at WollCon on the grounds surrounding Gleniffer Brae, and everyone is invited to enjoy performances from our own students, staff and alumni as well as the Steel City Strings, the Hot Potato Band, and drummer and rapper DOBBY.
With all styles of music showcased, there will be something for everyone, young or old, and for all musical tastes.
Main Stage performances will be live streamed on our YouTube page – stay tuned.
DAY 1: Saturday 10th September
Saturday Morning (10am – 12:30pm)
SONG & DANCE with Children’s Choir (including Speech & Drama students), ChiME, Con Artists, WollCon Youth Jazz Band, Steel City Strings.
Saturday Lunch Break (12:30-1:15pm)
Harps in the Garden including a Piano Salon in the Manor House.
Saturday Afternoon (1:15pm – 4:30pm)
Festival Concert Band, Contemporary Guitar Ensemble & guests, Latin Jazz Orchestra, DOBBY (drummer and rapper) + Jazz Band.
DAY 2: Sunday 11th September
Sunday Morning (10am – 12:30pm)
Curious Rendition Orchestra, Festival Community Orchestra,
The Big Sing (Combined Vocal ensembles): ‘Slice of Heaven’
> Download low voice part | Download high voice part
Combined Youth String Orchestras, Powell Orchestra.
Sunday Lunch Break (12:30-1:15pm)
Harps in the Garden including a Piano Salon in the Manor House.
Sunday Afternoon (1:15pm – 4:30pm)
BlueScope Youth Orchestra, Official Birthday Celebration (speeches) with an All-Staff Performance, The Con Artists, and The Hot Potato Band.
Some food options will be for sale but this will be limited to two food vendors and a coffee van. We encourage visitors to bring a picnic lunch, and a rug or chair to sit on. Please come along and join our music community.
Important Things to Note:
A wet weather alternative will be announcd closer to the event. This is a no alcohol, non-smoking, outdoor event.
The General Pedestrian Entrance is via: Murphys Ave (pedestrian gate and the carpark entrance) and the Robsons Rd gate.
Accessible Entrance (those with access needs) is via the Gleniffer Brae gate entrance (Murphys Ave). Vehicles should drive into the carpark up to the disabled parking drop off zone to allow visitors to access the path leading to the disabled viewing area, situated towards the side of the main audience area.
Parking is on-street, in and around Murphys Avenue and Robsons Road.
The WollCon Gleniffer Brae car park will be reserved for disabled parking, artists/pick up and drop off only and will be managed by parking attendants.
People With Access Requirements:
People with access requirements will be encouraged to register in advance in order that we can provide support as required. Please email us at [email protected]
Hired amenities: Toilets including an Accessible Toilet will be on site.
Visit our full list of Things to know before your visit
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