Trish Delaney-Brown

Vocal | Ensembles

What do you teach at the Con?

Voice, vocal groups and choir.

What genres do you teach?

Jazz and contemporary, vocal technique.

What is it that you love about teaching music – particularly at Wollongong Conservatorium?

I love the “aha” moments that students get when they realise what it feels like to work with the voice rather than against it – the world of expression that opens up for them. And just turning up to the beautiful environs of the Con continues to delight.

Please share a particular career highlight and why it’s special to you.

I’ve had many career highlights in terms of amazing venues and audiences throughout Australia, Europe, USA and Asia (Carnegie Hall, Kuala Lumpur International Jazz Festival, Sydney Opera House, Blue Note Japan to name just a few), but one of the gigs that sticks in my mind and heart was a concert in a tiny little scouts hall in Pearl Beach NSW. There were only about 40 people in the room but it was a night where the music just soared and there was such a sense of connection and sharing between audience and performer – absolute magic!

What’s one piece of music that you’d recommend people listen to?

Mike Stern – Wing and a Prayer. So soulful, and the outro solo section gets me every time.