Liam Buckman

Saxophone | Clarinet

What do you teach at WollCon?

I teach saxophone (mainly) and clarinet at WollCon. I also teach flute.

What genres do you teach?

I teach a range of genres but mostly specialise in Jazz and modern music. 

What is it that you love about teaching music – particularly at Wollongong Conservatorium?

What I love about music teaching is seeing the enthusiasm people have to learn the new and challenging skills that playing music offers. I grew up playing music at the conservatorium so it’s a very special place to me and I find it very rewarding to give back that experience to other people. 

Please share a particular career highlight and why it’s special to you.

I’ve had many musical moments that I treasure but probably the biggest career highlight was being invited to play at yours and owls main stage in 2023. It was a magical experience to play in front of so many people. 

What’s one piece of music that you’d recommend people listen to?

The most influential song on me as a musician is Dexter Gordon’s “Blue Bossa” so I would recommend that.