What do you teach at the Con?
Drums and percussion.
What genres do you teach?
Jazz, Funk, Soul, Rock, Afro-Cuban, Afro-Brazilian, Afro-Caribbean, West-African, North Indian and others.
I try to help my students explore a large range of rhythmic ideas from a global perspective so that they can develop a wide musical palette.
What is it that you love about teaching music – particularly at Wollongong Conservatorium?
For me it is about igniting and fostering passion and creative exploration in my students. It is great to see students really get excited and curious and realise that it is ok to devote significant time and effort into something that they love doing. Wollongong Conservatorium really provides a perfect environment to encourage musical exploration, creativity and fun.
Please share a particular career highlight and why it’s special to you.
I have been very lucky to have many career highlights as a performer and teacher…but one that stands out recently is getting to run Brazilian and Cuban music workshops for young music students all across India. It was so great to see them light up and really get involved in something totally foreign to them.
What’s one piece of music that you’d recommend people listen to?
Airto Moreira – Tombo in 7/4.