Amelia Scarf


What do you teach at the Con?

I am contributing to the ChiME program, specifically with the “Fun Fantails” program which fosters a love of music through creative expression and play.

What is it that you love about teaching music?

I love that I find the children to be as enthusiastic and as passionate as I am about music. I love connecting with my authenticity and teaching others to express themselves with no inhibition and all fun!

Please share a particular career highlight and why it’s special to you.

At a school in Sydney, we developed and recorded an original music piece with the composer in residence and all children at the early learning centre. The piece was comprised entirely of sounds and vocalisations produced by the ‘elc’ children with various percussion instruments and other objects. The instrumental parts interact directly with the sounds and take close inspiration from them. It was pure magic!

What’s one piece of music that you’d recommend people listen to?

This rendition of Toto’s “Africa” is most inspiring. Body percussion in all its glory!