WollCon started a new singing group for 2024, especially for seniors, people living with dementia and their care partners. It’s called the BUSHLARKS Singing Group.
Irrespective of singing ability, participants are welcome to join, purely for the joy of singing together and connecting with others.
Two of WollCon’s registered Music Therapists are managing the group, and hope to create an inclusive, supportive, fun community, for people of all ages.
Research shows that singing in a group reduces stress as well as symptoms of anxiety and depression by reducing cortisol and lowering blood pressure. It can cause the body to release serotonin and dopamine and bring about hormonal changes supporting better mental health and immune function.
“We are very excited about this new singing group at WollCon. I hope it will bring members some joy and help to reduce the feelings of loneliness and social isolation that many seniors and people living with dementia experience. We also hope that singing together may help participants reconnect with any earlier experiences of making music and singing with family and friends.” Said David Francis (CEO).
Participants (and their care partners) can suggest favourite songs that the group could sing (and may even perform).
When: Every Friday (10am – 11.30am) during school term (tea/coffee & biscuits provided).
Fee: $100 a term (includes both participant and support person).
Leaders: Music Therapists Rowena Harris and Janet Andrews
*If you are completing a form on behalf of another adult, use the form: Adult on Behalf of Another Adult.