Arts and Music Education Report Music to our Ears

Earlier in 2024, WollCon submitted a response to the Inquiry investigating Arts and Music Education and Training in NSW, which included information on the significant role regional conservatoriums play in music education in schools with programs delivered by our music teachers.

Last Thursday (12 December 2024) the Joint Select Committee on Arts and Music Education and Training released its report after receiving invaluable evidence from a range of stakeholders, highlighting the need for all school students to experience music education.

WollCon and colleagues at all NSW regional conservatoriums are thrilled to see the Report’s findings and recommendations, especially:

– That it is essential for all students in New South Wales primary schools to receive quality, sequential and ongoing music learning.
– Regional conservatoriums provide excellent music education and services and foster creativity and connectedness in regional communities in New South Wales.

– That the NSW Government increase funding to regional conservatoriums and review key performance measures and service gaps, especially around engagement with schools, under the Regional Conservatorium Grants Program, to ensure sustainable future growth.
– That the NSW Government formalise and strengthen the partnership between the NSW Department of Education and regional conservatoriums and establish innovative models to support and enhance the role of regional conservatoriums, including in conjunction with Create NSW and the NSW Department of Education.

VIP group drumming

Members of the committee, which included Ms Julia Finn MP (Chair), Dr Joe McGirr MP (Deputy Chair), Mr Anthony D’Adam (MLC), and Ms Jacqui Munro (MLC), visited WollCon in November, and learnt about many of our music programs (especially our In School program), toured our spaces, met with teachers and some of our young students during their lessons, and even played percussion and drums as we showcased our ‘Get Them Young’ project.

“We are delighted that the Inquiry has taken the time to do such a detailed Review and we are looking forward to working with them on this important issue in the future.”

Annette Brown

CEO, WollCon

Annette Interview on ABC Radio (Scroll to 18 mins. 11 seconds).

Read the Full NSW Parliamentary Report.

student drummer